
Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Shopping List

My shopping list for Thanksgiving is always extremely lengthy.  I make everything homemade, so there is no boxed stuffing, jarred gravy, canned veggies, or cellophane wrapped pies.  Everything is made from scratch!  Some call me crazy, others call me ambitious, while most just keep their mouths shut to not anger the chef.  Here is a glimpse into my shopping list, actually it is the entire list broken out by recipe.  I go to three different stores at most, but try to get the majority of my items from the West Side Market here in Cleveland.  It's an amazing shopping venue and a mecca here in the Cleveland area.  This place has everything..produce, meats, dairy, desserts, seafood, spices, homemade crepes, coffee, nuts, flowers, candy, plus much much more!!!  I love going there.

The tradition has been for me to meet up with my mom at the little restaurant there at 7:00 AM and get some breakfast.  Then the fun begins.  After three cups of coffee, a good breakfast, and a run through on what I need to buy we are off to get the turkey.  This always comes first because the line gets horrendous the longer you wait.  The turkeys are farm raised and fresh (I have never bought a frozen turkey and I never will).  If you have never had a fresh turkey, I suggest trying it once.  It is completely different from a frozen...from taste to juiciness to quality, it's the best the choice.  After the turkey is bought its on to all of the other vendors for my goods. I will post pics of my visit and snap various shots of the vendors I use...this way if you are in the Cleveland area you can check them out!

Thanksgiving Shopping List
Bottle Virgin Olive Oil
Celery (stalks)--3,3
White Mushrooms (ounces)--8
Bay Leaves--2,6
Black Peppercorns--2t,
Thyme (bunch)--1/2, 1T,1
Parsley Sprigs--12,
Course Salt--2T, 1 1/2c
Dried Porcini Mushrooms--1c,
Slab Bacon--1/2 pound,
Leek:  1
Garlic Clove--1,6,15,3
Sweet Italian Sausage--3/4 pound
Loaf of Italian Bread
Bottle Dry Riesling
Fresh Turkey
Unsalted Butter (stick)--1,1,1,1, 1/4 pound
Brussel Sprouts--2 pounds
Curry Powder--1/2t
Russet Potatoes--4 pounds
Salted Butter (stick)--1
1/2 Gallon Whole Milk
Broccoli Rabe--2 bunches
Sliced Almonds--1/2c
Gingersnap Cookies
15oz Can Packed Pumpkin
Heavy Cream--1 1/4c,1/2 pint
Pie Crust (I hate making crust so I do buy this pre made)--2,1
Granny Smith Apples--12
Brown Sugar
Toffee Bits
Pecans--1c chopped, 22 halves, 1 1/4c
Active Dry Yeast--2
Sweet Potatoes--6
cheese cloth
white wine to serve
apple cider
special coffee
half and half

Friday, November 11, 2011

What Style am I?

I decided to take a home design style quiz to see what exactly it is I like.  Here are my results

These are the pictures I chose:
  neutral palette           

According to My Design Guide (


I tend to be more of the rustic kind of gal.  Although I don't think I am...I love clean lines, bold graphics, soft fabrics, and neutral palettes against bold color.  I guess I am a hodge podge of everything...there is no defining me :)

Last Bash in Ohio!

It's party time here for the last time (besides Thanksgiving dinner).  We are throwing one last bash before we pack up our home and head on out to New Jersey.  Typically I am the one making everything, but with Thanksgiving less than two weeks away we decided to have most of the party catered (I still have to leave my mark somewhere).  With that said, we decided to have Tom's Country Place take on the brunt of our menu.  For those of you in the west side of Cleveland, they are great for catering.  Their oven roasted chicken is to die for....not literally, but it is quite yummy!

So I know you are asking, what is the menu going to be for this soiree?  

Le Menu
Oven Roasted Chicken
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Homemade Coleslaw
Broccoli Au Gratin
Golden Yukon Mashed Potatoes
Penne Rigatoni with Meatballs
Oven Baked Rolls
Various Appetizers & Desserts

I am going for warm comfort food for a nice fall day.  We are going to have the bonfire setup, warm apple cider and coffee, and a beautiful sunny day here in Ohio (at least that is what the local weather people are saying)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Good and The Bad

I love hosting people!  In fact, this weekend we are having a "Last Bash" party at our home.  It's kind of a way to get all of our friends and family together for one last time before we hit the road to NJ.  I am sad but excited at the same time for the journey to the Garden State.  Here are my pros and cons to moving:

  • an hour from NYC--I have feeling NYC and myself are going to be great friends!
  • an half hour from the Jersey Shore--watch out Snookie..another guidette is heading your way!
  •  an hour from Philladelphia--history, cheese steaks, and Rocky Balboa..what more can you ask for
  • bountiful museums, parks, the ocean, and more to do, unlike Ohio
  • near casinos--this will be listed in the cons as well :)
  • moving away from friends and family
  • my daughters not being able to hang out with their cousin and future cousins
  • leaving the home I loved from day one
  • not having someone to hang out with on a whim
  • moving into a state with gambling--this is more for Luke than myself..I have self control!
  • no more hosting parties or holidays
I think we are going to like our new home, but it is sad moving away.  The good thing is is that it is a short drive back, short depending on who you talk to you.  It's only about 7.5 hours from NJ to OH, so not too bad.  I will miss not being able to just have everyone over on a whim.  Our home always seemed to be the gathering place for our family. I guess we will just have to make friends in our new home state!
Goodbye Ohio
Hello New Jersey